Department of Computer Science
Study Management

The Study Management Group (ULG) consists of the following members:
- Peter Axel Nielsen, Head of Department
- Ulrik Nyman, Deputy Head of Department
- Lone Leth Thomsen, Study Board Chairman
- Lene Winther Even, Coordinator of the Study Team
- Diana Plejdrup Frank, Management Support
ULG meets approximately once a month on Tuesdays to discuss and coordinate study management related matters.
Contact information
For general questions about education, please mail
Otherwise you are welcome to contact:
Deputy Head of Department/ Head of Studies
Ulrik Nyman
Phone +45 9940 9985 / 4089 2156
Management support
Diana P. Frank
Phone +45 9940 7228
The Study Board of Computer Science is responsible for the bachelor's and master's programmes within Computer Science, Informatics, Information Technology, Interaction Design, Software engineering, Data Science, IT, Design and Application Development.
The task and role of the study programme coordinator is to support the development of the study programmes and to keep overview of contents, coherence and progression between the modules and semesters of the programmes including the progression between bachelor’s and master’s programmes.
See the complete role description of the study programme coordinators and groups (in Danish).
- DAT Coordinator: Christian Thomsen
- SW AAL Coordinator: Bent Thomsen
- SW CPH Coordinator: Peter Axel Nielsen
- BAIT Coordinator: John Persson
- DAD Coordinator: Dimitrios Raptis
- IxD Coordinator: Anders Bruun
- DVML Coordinator: Thomas D. Nielsen
- CS (IT) Coordinator: Manfred Jaeger
- EVU Coordinator: Dimitrios Raptis
- It-vest Coordinator (Master in IT, Software Construction): René Rydhof Hansen
The study programme groups are appointed by the department and are managed by the study programme coordinators.
The study programme coordinators participate in specific meetings in the Study Management Group (ULG).
The study programme groups solves tasks for the study board when needed. These tasks comprise work with study curricula, advising the study board in educational matters, review of information material, advising study programme coordinators about teaching related matters.
See the complete role description of the study programme coordinators and groups.
DAT/SW/CS(IT)-UG: Bachelor’s and master’s programmes in Computer Science (DAT), Computer Science (IT) and Software Engineering (SW):
- DAT coordinator: Christian Thomsen
- CS (IT) coordinator: Manfred Jaeger
- SW AAL coordinator: Bent Thomsen
- SW CPH coordinator: Peter Axel Nielsen
BAIT-UG: Bachelor’s programmes in Information Technology (BAIT):
- BAIT coordinator: John Persson
- Anders Bruun
- Brian Nielsen
- Florian Echtler
- Yan Zhao
- Two representatives from the Department of Communication and Psychology: Jacob Gorm Davidsen and Tem Frank Andersen
- Two representatives from the Department of Politics and Society: Christian Ravn Haslam and Sanne Lund Clement
DAD-UG: Master’s programmes in Digitilization and Application Development (DAD):
- DAD coordinator: Dimitrios Raptis
- Giorgio Bacci
- Daniele Dell’Aglio
- Adam Alami
IxD-UG: Bachelor’s and master’s programmes in Interaction Design (IxD):
- IxD coordinator: Anders Bruun
- Timothy Merritt
DVML-UG: Bachelor’s and master’s programmes in Data Science and Machine Learning (DVML):
- DVML coordinator: Thomas D. Nielsen
- Arijit Khan
- Tomer Sagi
- Bent Thomsen
- Søren Byg Vilsen and Mikkel Meyer Andersen (MATH)
At the department of Computer Science we have career VIPs who acts as liaison officer between the department and the industry for scientific staff as well as for students.
The career VIPs at AAU are the driving forces for creating awareness about career opportunities among students, including contact to industry and AAU Career.
In general, the purpose of the career VIP is to ensure more integration and anchoring of the students' career related awareness and reflections throughout the study.
IxD and DAD: Anders Bruun
DAT, CS (IT), BAIT5 and BAIT6: Marco Muñiz
SW-AAL: Kristian Torp
DVML: Daniele Dell'Aglio
SW-CPH: Daniel Russo
The role of the career VIP is to act as:
- Promoter of a culture with employability focus at the study programmes throughout the entire study, starting at the first year of studies of the bachelor's programmes
- Developer of awareness of career opportunities among students, possibly supported by AAU Career
- Facilitator, coordinator and contact person for the industry and AAU Career
Examples of actual activities and functions:
- The career VIP is expected to coordinate work with AAU Career to ensure that the employability efforts are mutually qualified
- Participation in knowledge sharing and development meetings with career VIPs from other study programmes facilitated by AAU Career
Career activities always involve career VIPs and can be carried through and held in several ways, e.g in cooperation with.:
- AAU Career, AAU Alumni or other (external) agents (e.g., unemployment funds, trade unions, job centers etc.)
- AAU Match or SEA
- Other career VIPs
The career-promoting activities are coordinated with relevant study programme coordinators.